Saturday, 19 November 2011

Final concept of opening to Thriller film

The plot:
A boy will come across a lost, or what he believes to be lost, item inside a shipping container located just outside a park. The boy walks down a long path away from the vanishing point before coming across the shipping container which catches his eye - he looks at it in confusion and slowly walks towards it and investigate it. Then, from the opposite direction, an older man is seen hiding behind a wall. We see the doors slam shut trapping the boy inside a dark and frightening shipping container.
That’s the cliff hanger. The enigma is who slammed shut the doors when the boy was still inside. What will happen next?
This is a birds eye view of the location we are going to use:

Shot List:
Shot 1) The camera pans down from the sky to a long shot which shows a vanishing point - the vanishing point is towards the end of the long pathway. A boy of around 16 years old walks down the pathway, away from the vanishing point, towards the camera. Me and Austen thought this would be a great shot - it was inspired by the ending scene of the 1949 film, ‘The Third Man’.

Shot 2) Pan shot of boy walking down long pathway with vanishing point.

Shot 3) The boy stops for a break and takes a drink out of his bag - there is a close up of him drinking the water. The boy looks round and something inside an empty shipping container catches his eye.
Shot 4) There is a close up shot of a wallet inside the empty shipping container.

Shot 5) There is a low angle shot from inside the container which shows the boy walking towards the wallet inside the empty shipping container.

Shot 6) There is a long shot of a mysterious older man who walks round the corner.
Close up shot of the mysterious figure’s feet walking round the corner which will create an enigma. This shot relates to the opening scene of ‘Kill Bill Vol.1 (2003)’ where all we see is Bill's feet walking towards the woman, but we do not see Bill's face - Bill's face is the enigma.

Shot 7) There is a close up shot of the boy handling the wallet inside the empty shipping container to find something, for example, cash or credit cards.

Shot 8) Another shot from inside the empty shipping container where there is a low angle shot of the boy still handling the wallet.

Shot 9) There is a medium shot of a mysterious silhouette standing outside the container directly in the line of sight of the boy.
The empty shipping container’s doors then suddenly slums shut leaving the boy trapped inside. Note: at the exact moment we hear the container doors slam shut our film will cut to a black screen where the titles of the film will fade in.

1 comment:

  1. A helpful shot list and image of your location.

    To intensify suspense you could have a hand holding the wallet (audience don't know if victim is dead or alive) and boy lifts wallet out of hand and begins to go through it, and then the door slams shut. You could use a torch to highlight the hand, so you may need somebody to lie on the ground but the only shot of this person is their hand!!! Have a think.
